Career Kickstart:
An Introductory Course 

“Career Kickstart: An Introductory Course” provides Russian, French and Spanish-speaking Olim with an in-depth understanding of the Israeli labor market. Participants will learn how to repackage their skills and gain opportunities in new industries. 
Upon completion, the option will be provided to continue training in one of Gvahim’s programs.

This program is free of charge.

Career Kickstart: An Introductory Course of Gvahim

Explore now

Interactive group sessions (lectures and workshops)
on the following topics:
  • Repackaging for the Israeli job market
  • Cultural differences and introduction to a new interview process
  • Know how and where to look for a job in Israel
  • CV and LinkedIn workshops
  • Interview role-play
  • Understand salaries and contracts
  • Social adaptation in Israel
  • Russian speaker
  • Oleh Chadash / Olah Chadasha (up to 10 years in Israel)
    or Toshav Chozer (with definite plans to return to Israel)
    or Toshav Gorer
  • Four-week program
  • Online meetings Thursdays 16:30-19:00
  • Cost: FREE

Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information:


Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information: