

Camila - Gvahim career Center



Gvahim career Center

I made Aliyah from Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and enjoyed a successful career as an analyst in International Affairs.

I decided to move to Israel to pursue a career in a more competitive and challenging environment. As an Olah Chadasha, coming to Israel was a great cultural challenge, but after I joined the Gvahim Career Program, I received full support from the team and my HR consultant was there for me through the entire process, helping to prepare me for the interviews, identifying the best job opportunities for my professional profile, and giving me the confidence to keep trying.

When I got my first job, she even helped me read through the contract (as it was written in Hebrew). Without Gvahim, I simply wouldn’t have made it!

Marissa - Gvahim tech



Gvahim tech

The opportunity to role-play technical interviews was what really interested me in the Gvahim Tech program. Since this was my first time looking for a job in Israel, I wanted to get as much practice as I could and be prepared for how interviews work here.

Gvahim Tech supported me throughout my job search. I ended up applying for my position at Mobileye through one of the webinar presenters at Gvahim Tech. I connected via LinkedIn after his session, and he referred me for the position I was interested in.

Throughout the two-month interview process, I met with my Gvahim mentors multiple times to discuss the next steps and what to expect. They helped me feel better prepared and more confident in my ability to get the job I wanted. It was reassuring that my mentors were also Olim like me and had gone through the same things I was going through and were now enjoying successful careers in Israel.

Julia - Aliyah prep




The Aliyah Prep program provided excellent preparation for experienced professionals before moving to Israel. After the program, I had a good understanding of the job market, the network culture, and how to find suitable positions based on my experience and skill set.

Once I arrived, I was able to apply what I had learned and narrow my job search, and I found a great job!

Elior - Gvahim tech



Gvahim tech

With a highly sought-after Master’s degree, I thought that finding a job in Israel would be a formality. It was not the case. The labor market is different here, in its structure and demands.

During the training with Gvahim Tech, I gradually came to understand what was wrong with my approach. Less than a month later, I was doing interviews that I did not have access to before.

Ariel - Gvahim tech



Gvahim tech

I made Aliyah two years ago from New Jersey, where I worked as an audio engineer. After I moved to Israel, I wanted to switch to a career in programming, so I studied web development. Fortunately, I heard about Gvahim and participated in their Tech Program.

The program was extremely helpful and as a result, after only
a couple of months, I interviewed with Amdocs where I am currently working.

Moses - Gvahim career Center



Gvahim career Center

I arrived in Israel fresh out of grad school with an engineering degree in my hand and a dream in my heart.

After my first few months in Israel searching for a job with no luck, I heard about the Gvahim Career Program in Jerusalem and decided to give it a try.

With the support of the Career team, I fine-tuned my resume and my mentor prepared me for interviews. Soon enough I had been invited to a few interviews and ended up receiving a job offer from Apple.

Gvahim helped me put my best foot forward and when I did, I discovered that Israelis value not only the talent and skills Olim bring to the table, but also their enthusiasm and spirit.

Julie - Career Center Jerusalem



Career Center Jerusalem

The big advantage of the Gvahim Career program is that it provides you with a framework within which to organize yourself.

The dedicated hours of personalized sessions with an HR consultant provided me with a positive career outlook focused on my personal skills and potential.

During the training, I had various job interviews and the project manager at the Jerusalem Career Program as well as my Gvahim HR consultant accompanied me from A to Z.

I sent my CV to one of the leading high-tech companies in Jerusalem. Throughout this long process, I received tremendous support from all of the Gvahim staff. They even contacted the HR of the company to boost my application. I got a job as marketing coordinator at OrCam, an excellent company based in Jerusalem, and Gvahim played a huge role in this achievement.

Meir - Gvahim career Center



Gvahim career Center

I made Aliyah from the US, where I spent my entire professional career in residential Real Estate. Three months after arriving in Israel I had sent out hundreds of CVs without getting anywhere, and I realized that I was missing something and decided to join the Gvahim Career program.

The sessions were informative and helpful in terms of teaching me systematic CV drafting, networking, and interview techniques.
I decided to take a break from applying to jobs that were beyond my field and focus on recreating my real estate career. However, a month after starting with ReMax, COVID-19 lockdowns hindered any potential I had for creating a financially stable real estate business. I got back in touch with my Gvahim career mentor and explained that I was going back to sending out my CV.

I got an email from Gvahim detailing a position that they felt would be absolutely perfect for me. I sent my CV and received a call two days later to schedule an interview. After three rounds of interviews, I was offered the position.

I cannot express enough gratitude and support for this program.
I know that if I am ever back in the job market, I can count on the Gvahim Career team to help me.