Gvahim Pre-Aliyah

The key to successful Aliyah is arriving prepared and well-informed.
Even before you’ve moved, our free Pre-Aliyah program will advise you on social and professional integration and give you practical information via a series of online workshops offered in English, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, and French.

  • Participants will have access to an exclusive self-learning platform via recorded webinars;
  • become part of a professional online networking group with Gvahim alumni;
  • receive 1:1 consultations;
  • and benefit from a personal buddy to guide them on their journeys.
Gvahim team - Aliyah Prep

What you'll gain from the program

  • Professional opportunities in the labor market
  • Salaries across industries, focusing on the professions of group members
  • Skills and qualifications required to achieve career goals
  • Job search the Israeli networking-based way
  • Importance and necessity of Hebrew for various professions
  • Providing information about licensing procedures for professionals
  • The educational system and special services for children
    of Olim
  • Housing costs and expenses across Israel
  • Olim rights regarding taxation and National Insurance benefits for different age groups
  • Creating a personal social adaptation plan
  • Understanding the Israeli mentality and how to socialize quickly
  • Tips for learning Hebrew, making new friends, and taking your first steps in Israel


Program Requirements

  • Participation is subject to acceptance to our program, which
    shall be at Gvahim’s sole discretion
  • Please note: This program does not deal with Israeli work visas

Course Structure

  • This is a comprehensive, multi-platform learning program that includes online group sessions, pre-recorded webinars, and individual online consultations with specialists
  • The program is offered year-round
  • It is strongly recommended to complete it before making Aliyah
  • Cost: Free of charge

Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information:

055-306-5253 gap@gvahim.org.il

Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information: